Welcome to FileSender by DKFZ for Helmholtz.Cloud

In order for this service to operate it must retain some information about files, who can access them, and what has happened. Files will be automatically removed from the system when they expire and other retained information will be removed from the system and database after some amount of time has passed. This page allows you to see how long various pieces of information are retained by this installation.

Note that when a transfer is deleted, all the related files are also deleted along with the copies of any emails that have been sent out which relate to the transfer.

Privacy Policy

Name of the service FileSender by DKFZ for Helmholtz.Cloud
Description of the service FileSender is a secure way to share large files.
Data controller and a contact person Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ)
Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts (Foundation under Public Law)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 (0)6221 420
Email: kontakt@dkfz.de
Website: https://www.dkfz.de
Data Controller’s data protection officer (if applicable) Data Protection Officer
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ)
Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts (Foundation under Public Law)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg
Telephone: +49 (0)6221 420
Email: datenschutz@dkfz.de
Jurisdiction DE, Germany, Baden-Württemberg
Personal data processed 1. For all users
  • a) IP address *
  • b) access time and duration *
  • c) browser data *
2. For authenticated users
Following data is retrieved from your Home Organisation:
  • a) your email address *
  • b) your profile: *
    • i) name
    • ii) given name
    • iii) family name
    • iiii) preferred username
    • iiiii) entitlements (e. g. virtual organisation/group/project membership)
  • iiiiii) your unique user identifier eduPersonUniqueID *
* = the personal data is necessary for providing the service. The processing is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. It is the justified interest of the Data Controller.
Purpose of the processing of personal data Personal data retrieved from your Home Organisation is used to identify you to give you the permissions to access your resources with your account by associating your unique user identifier. Name and e-mail address are used to contact you. Personal data gathered from you is needed to provide the service technically. It is written to log files. Log files are consulted in case of service malfunction to technical and forensic purposes.
Third parties to whom personal data is disclosed No personal data is disclosed to third parties without your explicit request. Authenticated users sending files must be aware that their name and potentially email address are visible to other users of the service.
How to access, rectify and delete the personal data Contact the contact personal above. To rectify the data released by your Home Organisation, contact your Home Organisation’s IT helpdesk.
Data retention Personal data is deleted according to the information below and on request of the user.
Data Protection Code of Conduct Your personal data will be protected according to the Code of Conduct for Service Providers, a common standard for the research and higher education sector to protect your privacy.
This privacy policy is based on the Privacy policy guidelines for Service Providers.

Number of days information is retained

Value Description
20 Maximum number of days until a transfer expires
10 If a transfer fails you might be offered the ability to report the issue directly through this web interface. That report will be removed from the server database after this many days have passed.
30 Number of days emails sent to a user will be retained
0 Once a guest has expired they are removed after this many days
31 Days that a log of what actions have happened is retained.
90 Days that a log of tracking events are retained. These are primarily email bounce events.
The email addresses you send files to are stored while your account is in the system. You can delete just this specific information in your user profile at any time using the button to clear requent recipients on the My profile page. Note that the button on the my profile page will only clear part of your profile, the email address may still be in one of the above logs for the duration that those logs are kept.